Saturday, August 02, 2008

ivf #3 embryo transfer...

This one was way hatched.

Both of these hatching too.

I am home and resting. All went really good and it was actually very moving today.

All 9 were still in the running with 2 lagging behind at 10 cell stage.

They transferred 3 that were all hatching and said they looked so good they didn't want to transfer more for fear of higher order multiples. this was a bit surprising considering my track record but they all sat and we discussed things (doc and both embryologists) for almost 15 minutes beforehand and I saw their point.

Bliss was there and amazing as usual. He melts my heart and holds my hand while he watched the screen as they do it.

They were all so involved and invested emotionally as well, it was really, really moving today. Afterwards everyone in the office today stood around while I got the magic wands (yes two) waved over my belly and to my cheeks, then I got my "Princess Bleu" tiara and each of them (5 were there) hugged me and said sweet things. I was crying by the time I left.

There is a bit of fear/pressure with how great the embryo's were this time but I am going to just try and remain positive.

Will post more later and thank you to every one of you for such amazing energy, I really REALLY feel it.

The little star I watch for when they hit the plunger.

24 om's.:

jessie said...

Wishing you all the luck in the world!

Anonymous said...

ooooh! that all sounds fantastic. got everything crossed for you!! lots of love xxxx

Anonymous said...

so much hope for you lovely one. what wonderful looking embies.
can't wait to make them some cute onesies when they are bigger.

Cece said...

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.

Jess said...

Wow!! This sounds absolutely fantastic!!!!!!! I couldn't be happier for you right now!!!

Catherine said...

I have been wondering all day how it went, I am checking from dinner at my Mom's. Hatching is excellent. My friends put back 4, and one was hatching. Today they are sure their daughter was the hatching one. I have a multiples feeling on this one. Sending you the warmest hugs across the border.

JW Moxie said...

I. am. crying. Three beautiful HATCHING blasts transferred with sweet Bliss there to hold your hand. This feels good, Bleu. It feels really good.

battynurse said...

Wow!!! How exciting. So happy for you.

Pepper said...

OMG, that is such amazingly fantastic news! Wishing you a wonderful 9.5 months ahead. Congratulations!

Becky Le Cochon said...

well ain't they the sexiest things!!!!

N7 said...

You are an amazing woman and you deserve this to work out for you and Bliss and I hope the next few weeks of wondering are filled with calmness and ease and end with miraculous news that will make me do massive flips and cartwheels across the country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

This is all very good news! sending you good thoughts of implantation and embryo growth!

Sam said...

Good job! Rest up and take care of yourself and Bliss.

Billy said...

Hi Bleu.
I have just finished reading your blog - I just had to read it from start, and I wanted to tell you how amazing I think you are!

This IVF sounds super! I wish you all the luck in the world, and I'll be crossing my fingers too for aditional help.

Anonymous said...

Hoping so hard for you.

Melody said...

Beautiful! Hoping so hard for you!

Briar said...

Sending you so much love and light.

Solitaire said...

Oooh, three little hatchers! I hope this is finally IT for you, Bleu. They look good, so I am sending love and light hoping 1 or 2 of them stick around for the long haul.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you. I will pray that implantation is right around the corner for you.

Eva said...

I'm really moved and have my fingers and toes crossed for you.

Anonymous said...

wow- those are STUNNING photos!!
thinking of you and hoping like a mofo!


sandra said...

thinking good thoughts and sending good vibes to you and bliss and the embies!!!!!

Jen said...

I'm wishing you nothing but the best and waving my magic wand her for you!

Anonymous said...

Oh Bleu! If those aren't the most beautiful things I have seen in a long time!!!

Praying for you!