Tuesday, August 19, 2008

what's up...

I am doing pretty well

I took Nancy's advice and bought a bunch of cheap HPT's and have been POAS every two days. Watching them get darker and darker has helped a lot.

I still have heartburn, and am happy about it.

My nose has eased up some to my dismay but it comes and goes.

Tell me trolling YouTube for sad movie scenes is normal? I just watched scenes from the Notebook and cried my eyes out. I am such a dork.

The list in my previous post helps a lot, alone with the wonderful continuing support from all of you.

I am still surprised how happy I am to be on Heparin, my belly is absolutely black and still I am so happy about it.

I have two weeks now until the u/s.

I reserve the right to add to this list.

13 om's.:

N7 said...

You are a dork....

heh heh :)

Glad the hpt therapy is working for you though! Has to be reassuring to see that line get darker and darker!!! yippieeeee!!!! Bring on that heartburn! Bring on all those putrid symptoms that prove to us that we are pregnant!!! Wishing you physical misery and emotional comfort :)


JW Moxie said...

You know what's worse than peeing on a bunch of cheap tests to watch them get darker and watching a bunch of sad movie scenes on YouTube?

Watching a bunch of OTHER people take peesticks (not the peeing, just the processing) on YouTube. Mmhmm. I won't tell you which smart one thought THAT would be a good idea. *wink*

Catherine said...

Keep peeing if it helps. Hang in there. I know 2 weeks seems like forever, but it will here soon.

dakota said...

Mmm happyhappyhappy list!
Let me add my toast to heartburn, darker pee stick lines, and blue black poked bellies!

battynurse said...

Glad you are doing ok. That hpt idea sounds like a good one.

GIsen said...

Excuse my ignorance,but why is your stomach black?

bleu said...

LOL no worries. Heparin causes a lot of bruising so when you give yourself the shot in your belly it makes huge black bruises.

LJ said...

I know the shots well...but yeah. I'd pee on any stick I could find if I were in shoes, HPT or not...

Billy said...

Hope these two weeks pass quickly!

nancy said...

~gasp~. My advice is suddenly being taken. Usually I get a big "eff you" and an eye roll. It's nice to know I'm not totally insane and things that worked for me actually can work for someone else. I'm happy about that.

And I'm happy to hear they are getting darker.

And I'm happy to hear you are a dork. Because I am one too.

Topcat said...

Ahhhhh, peesticks. I miss peesticks. Hah! I have about 37, all in chronological order, from light to dark. (Well, they're all mixed up now, but I had them in order once to show my repulsed husband heh heh).

The world needs dorks like us.

Glad to hear how you are doing. Much love to you. xoxoxo

tobacco brunette said...

The pee stick idea is a good one and I'm glad it's helping. Keep on peeing!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you are doing better. I can't wait for the ultrasound!!