Friday, October 17, 2008

new developments...

So now that I am finally feeling more secure and less afraid guess what happens???

I have started throwing up. 13 weeks and a few days and I am now throwing up, and it is violent. My upper chest muscles are completely pulled and it is yucky. My eyeballs have somehow been strained as well and hurt, I do not even know how but they are sore since my last episode this morning.

I did look back at a pregnancy journal I wrote while pregnant with Bliss and apparently the first time I threw up then was in my 13th week also. I do not remember that at all. But ugh this is not real fun.

And it isn't only when I have food in my tummy. The other night in the shower I dry heaved 20 times before even bringing up bile. Good times!!

And speaking of the shower, I had to go out and track down a shower filter because the smell of the chlorine in the water has been causing some severe gagging. It finally arrived last night but I have not yet had a chance to try it out.

Poor Bliss was so scared the first time he saw me run to the bathroom and heard me throwing up. I came back in our room to find him in the corner looking terrified. I told him I was ok and we talked about it and by now he just tells me how sorry he is I was sick after it happens. So I am glad he is no longer traumatized by it poor lil guy.

Aside from this I am doing well. Still feeling the lil one at times through the day which just makes all the difference in the world.

15 om's.:

annacyclopedia said...

Oh, Bleu. Yuck! I hope you feel better soon. May this pass quickly for you.

LJ said...

Aww. Sorry hon! At least it's a...symptom? Blech.

Peeveme said...

I'm so sorry that's happening. I hope it passes quickly.

Billy said...

Was the throwing up while preg with Bliss a short episode?
I hate to throw up, and to throw up when you have nothing in your tummy.. sounds awful :-(

battynurse said...

Ugg for puking. That sucks. Hope that stops soon.

MrsSpock said...

Ick! Throwing up is one of the worst feelings in the world!

Anonymous said...

Hope it is a quickie phase that will soon be behind you.

Mermaid said...

Yuck for the sickness, but yay - you're pregnant! Bliss is such a kind soul. What a sweet boy, you must hug him right now for me!

Sam said...

Ew. Thank goodness you have a pregnancy journal to refer to in times like these. I hope your poor tummy chills out soon.

dakota said...

Have to say throwing up is definitely one of the worst feelings...sorry no fun. I know every pregnancy is different, but I am also curious how long you may have had these episodes when you were pregnant with Bliss? Maybe a clue to how long this may last.
Hugs for heaving endurance and hoorays for the dancing little one...

Deb said...

I hope that this phase passes quickly and you can find something that helps ease it.

Navigating The Rapids said...

Sorry about the nausea. It bites! Hope you feel better soon.

tobacco brunette said...

Oh ick. That sounds awful, sweetie. I hope it's not a symptom that lasts for too long. Vomiting is just the worst.

Thinking of you...


Lollipop Goldstein said...

Oh, sweetie, that's awful. Throwing up is terrible.

holly said...

I am so sorry you are throwing up. I know it's one of the worse feelings in the world.

I hope you find some relief.