Sunday, January 20, 2008


pretty down
boobs won't hurt
feel hopeless
eating down all the feelings
feel like crap
fighting against feeling
this damn roller coaster

I just hit post and went cruising around the blogs and read Mel's new/old post and am sitting here balling because it is so where I am at. It sucks so badly and it hurts so deeply and I am so tired of how all consuming it all is but there is no other way for me. And then I edit, here, and it is ridiculous.

4 om's.:

j said...

Much love. I'm sorry Bleu. This game sucks.

Anonymous said...

sending you much much love.

battynurse said...

I'm sorry. You're right, this is such a shitty ride. Hope it gets better very soon.

nancy said...

~hugs~ a zillion times over.