Wednesday, May 14, 2008

great article...

Joy from The Other Shoe wrote an article at Trusera recently titled "Support Your Local Infertile." It is about supporting infertile friends and it is the single best article I have ever come across on the subject. It is thorough and thoughtful and so accurate.
Here is a link.

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9 om's.:

annacyclopedia said...

Thank you for posting this, Bleu! It really is the best piece I've read that addresses these questions. I think I'm going to email it around to family and friends who know what we're going through. I especially liked the part about how infertility can trigger stuff in people who aren't experiencing it, and how the support people need to look at their own issues and their own beliefs to be able to provide that care and support. Such a good point and often overlooked, I think.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for linking. I really appreciate the perspective. I feel as though I'm on both sides, not knowing how to respond to some friends dealing with infertility and also checking off my few months of trying and the frustration of that. It was so helpful and thoughtful.


Sam said...

Going to read it right now!

Carrie said...

going to read it now, too! Thanks for the nice comment to my blog. :) And yes, I do have a Shih-Tzu! (one in need of a haircut - haha) They are the best doggies, ever, aren't they?

Anonymous said...

bookmarked it for reading. Thanks for the hot tip!


Anonymous said...

from the link:
"Hope lives outside of logic. Both hope and the lack of hope have a purpose in our process, and you can support your friend by accepting that."

wow. best thing I have heard in AGES.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for compliments everybody. It felt really gooood to write that stuff down.
Trusera rocks but they don't let you comment over there unless you join - sorry for that.

bleu said...

Well Calliope has it on her blog as well Joy. Thank YOU for the amazing article.

tobacco brunette said...

Ooooh...I like the pink. Very purty. Hope stims are going well.