Sunday, February 08, 2009

trying something new...

The girls trying snow booties for the first time on snow covered ground.
Roomie is briefly in movie, excuse my awful voice.

16 om's.:

holly said...

What cute puppies! While I'm sure they were trying to figure out what was going on, it was really funny. I love animals.

MSEH said...

Yeah, we tried those once with our dog. He about freaked - hated them. That was that. It has to be a long walk with the snow getting packed between his pads before the weather bothers him. Oddly enough, it seems like a variety of things (e.g., temps, humidity) have to align in a certain way before that happens. Looks like your girls might deal. Not our guy.

Hope things are going well!!

Pepper said...

Too cute! I especially love the hind kicks. :-)

I hope the trip is going well. It looks like you all are enjoying Canada, which is awesome.

battynurse said...

Me thinks they don't know what to think about the snow booties. Very cute. Hope they decide they're ok.

Anonymous said...

cute! bliss's giggle is adorable :)

N7 said...


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, puppies in little snow booties.... too great. glad you've made it across the border!!!

Anonymous said...

So funny, bless them. Looks like they were getting the hang of it by the end of the video though!

Anonymous said...


Glad you made it there. xxxx

Soapchick said...

So cute! I bet that could become a YouTube hit! Beautiful doggies.

tireegal68 said...

adorable - you all did such a nice job of encouraging them! Did they ever pee?
Love the high kicks!

Fat Chick said...

CUUUUTE! LOL! That is darling!

Tobacco Brunette said...

Cute! When we lived in Maine, we had this waxy stuff that we would rub on the pads of our dog's feet for when we went out on the trails in the winter. Can't remember what it's called, tho.

So glad you're on the other side. We miss you already!

Sam said...

I am going to find a dog and snow booties just to do this! Hilarious video, thank you for sharing.

Billy said...

Very funny!

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Bliss has such a beautiful, joyful laugh.

The dogs' walk is hilarious.

Good luck on your journey east!