Sunday, July 22, 2007

anatomy of a bruise...

In other news I fell trying to avoid stepping on Bliss while getting in the bath. I landed on the shower door metal guide and have the worst bruise I have ever had in my life.

The first is a couple hours after then the next is this morning and then this afternoon.


:::Updated::: to add another pic from two days later.

4 om's.:

Mermaidgrrrl said...

OMG - that looks soooooo seriously painful. Good war wound photos!

Anonymous said...

Oh my. Why do things always seem to get worse before they get better?

Kim-n-Megan said...

Wow, that is a wicked bruise! Um are you sure you dont have some sort of bleeding disorder??? LOL wowsers!

bleu said...

LOL, no, no bleeding disorder. I am of the mind that the low dose aspirin I am on may have made it worse, but I have never had a bruise even remotely like this before. It was a seriously hard fall on a sharp object but my goddess this thing is nasty.