Thursday, April 10, 2008

44 days past m/c...

My beta was 21.

I knew it would still be up there but it just makes me angry cry.
I am frustrated and feel like my body is battling within itself.
I feel like it keeps trying to build lining and sloughing it off over and over again and again.
I also want to make sure this is done way way before May and getting on that IVF schedule.
My first m/c was natural and after the initial bleeding it stopped and four weeks later I got my period. The m/c last year I had the d&c and then about a month later got my first period.
This time I had the m/c which was awful, then 2 weeks later I start bleeding again with major clots and tons of blood and then after a week it stops only to start up again as heavy spotting a day later and it has been spotting heavy with long worm sized clots the whole time.
I am just sick of it.
I just want to be back to trying, back to trying to hope.

8 om's.:

Briar said...

I am thinking of you and sending love and light.

Anonymous said...

So sorry this is still dragging on and stopping you moving forward.

Jen said...

I'm sorry this is still happening. I wish you resolution soon!

Solitaire said...

That is unbelievably frustrating. I hope it gets to zero soon.

tobacco brunette said...

Ugh...I know this is frustrating for you. I'm so sorry that damn second line keeps showing up. I'm hoping for you and the May IVF schedule. In the meantime, please remember to be good to yourself.


Lollipop Goldstein said...

Sweetie--I wish this were over. I hope it gets back down to zero soon.

battynurse said...

I'm so sorry. This sucks so bad that this continues to linger on like this. I hope it zeros out soon. Hugs.

Mrs.X said...

I know exactly what you're going through. After my first D&C last year, it took me 42 days to get to 8. Who knows what will happen this time - it just sucks.