Friday, September 05, 2008


When I was pregnant with Bliss I was turned off of sweets pretty quickly into it. Chocolate especially but almost all sweets were a big turn off. If I tried a bite it was too rich, too sweet and tasted icky. Sometimes caramel was ok but rarely.

This pregnancy has been like that lately too. I can have a small amount of peach ice cream if it is with fresh peaches or nectarines to cut the sweetness. I can have a lil caramel capp ice cream, or even sometimes a decaf iced caramel macchiato, but I can only drink a little then I save it for the next day.

Bliss and I made chocolate chip cookies last week. I make em small and they last quite a while, and he loves them as does roomie and me normally. I had two the day we made them and none since. They are almost gone and Bliss can have 2 or 3 after lunch or dinner. They are about the size of a silver dollar. Anyhow today I gave him some with lunch and he ate two over a long time. One after lunch and one he saved for much later.

Well, can I please explain the quease the smell of these is causing me (yes I created that word). My son kisses me a lot, I kiss him a lot. Today at one point I was getting up to go pee and he asked for 189 kisses and I obliged, of course, before I could go. We are a kissy pair for sure. But, every time I kissed him after he ate the cookie I gagged.

I got him strawberries and orange and mini rice cakes for a late afternoon snack and still could smell the faint scent of the cookies.I told him about it and said he might have to eat them away from me tomorrow or the next day. He laughed and said ok. But oh my gosh, I came really close to tossing my cookies today.

Yay me. I will take that symptom and cheer!!!

24 om's.:

Kim-n-Megan said...

Yay... keep those positive symptoms and vibes a comin!!

dakota said...

Yay! yay! yay! for the cookie quease!
This post made me smile smile smile.
Why am I saying things in threes? I don't know but Bliss and you are the just the cutest. I noticed he never said he would stop kissing you, or stop eating his cookies. Smart boy!
Sending love

LJ said...

I'm giggling a little at you almost tossing your cookies over cookies - BUT ONLY CAUSE YOU ARE CHEERING THE SYMPTOM. Wow, turned off chocolate. No way that's a girl in there... ;)

Anonymous said...

Hooray for your symptom (even though it doesn't sound fun)! And your cookies sound lovely!

MrsSpock said...

This is encouraging!

Catherine said...

Sounds like a good symptom to me. When I was pg spinach and almonds repulsed me.

Tanya said...

What an awesome sign!

GIsen said...

Well you go right ahead and make that a symptom.You've earned that one.LOL

battynurse said...

Nothing like a little nausea to chear you up right??? Yay for good signs.

treewater said...

LOVE it - "quease" I am sure I can find several ways to use that one :)

Jess said...

YAY!! I totally understand the aversion to sweets. It's only now at 21 weeks that I can tolerate anything sweet, and even then only in small doses. I think this sounds really good, Bleu!!! :)

Mermaid said...

Wow, now that is a symptom that I need! That's very encouraging!

mulberry said...

funny how those little people have tastes so early in the game!

Billy said...

:-) Wow, that sounds great!!!
Yay for queasing the smell of those cookies!

Sam said...

Gag. I'm dealing with the same thing. I miss sugar, dammit! I feel less queasy about having Chicken near me after eating something sweet but I still would like to be able to eat/drink sweet stuff. I hope this is a good sign for you, too!!

Anonymous said...

Good news honey. So pleased for cookie gagging :)

Unknown said...

souns like a "good" symptom to me! Enjoy not enjoying sweets. Hang in there. Sending you love and light.

Topcat said...

Yay for symptoms. Yay yay yay!!

I have been thinking of you often, Bleu. Often.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Gagging is good (in this case, at least)!

I say quease too! Normally it is me telling K, "I've got the quease". Luckily, it started to go away this week. :)

Can't wait to hear how your next appointment goes! xox

Pepper said...

Yay! Yay that cookies made you want to toss your cookies! :-)That can only be a good thing.

Sorry I haven't been commenting. I have been reading along and following your story, praying for the best and will continue to do so. Hang in there.

JW Moxie said...

Oh yeah for feeling pukalicious! Too bad that it's cookies that will make you toss your cookies!

Anonymous said...

We'll be cheering right along with ya!

annacyclopedia said...

You're right - this is great news. Although I never thought about the phrase "tossing my cookies" as being anything close to literal!

Anonymous said...

Just thinking about you today - I think your u/s is today. I hope to hear good news! Hugs - Steph